Friday, December 04, 2020

Tweet of the Day

(via Pleated-Jeans)


  1. Just as long as they don't go where there are a lot of secretaries or stenographers (warning: old joke ahead)

    Three women were brought up in front of a judge, all charged with prostitution. He looked at the first woman and said, "How do you plead?"

    "Not guilty, your honor.  I'm just a simple working secretary!"

    Turning to the second woman, he asked her the same question. "How do you plead?"

    "Not guilty, your honor.  I'm not a prostitute; I work in the steno pool at XYZ Corp."

    Facing the third woman, he asked her, "And how do you plead?"

    The third woman said, "Guilty, your honor. I admit it; I am a prostitute."

    The judge, surprised at such candor, let down his guard a little bit.  "Oh," he said. "And how's business these days?"

    The third woman looked at the other two and said, "Well, honestly, judge, it would be a whole lot better without all these secretaries and stenographers out there."

