Friday, December 04, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

The Deadly Temptation of the Oregon Trail Shortcut.

A Chain Just Cut Through A Capsized Cargo Ship Filled With Cars And The Process Is Fascinating. (via Damn Interesting)

Moms Are Sharing How Much Their Hospital Bill Was For Giving Birth, And It’s Crazy How Different The Numbers Are.

The 12 Days of Christmas: The story behind the holiday’s most annoying carol.

The DWR Champagne Chair Contest. A champagne chair is a dollhouse-sized chair made from the cap, cage, and/or cork from a champagne bottle. (via Nag on the Lake)

The Coming Resurrection of a Sleeping Art Nouveau Palace. Emmanuel Laurens had money, taste, and some unusual spiritual practices, but he couldn't keep any of it from the Nazis.

The Ripple Effect Of One Rural Colorado Doctor Catching The Coronavirus.

'This is not a lesson in forgiveness.' Why Frederick Douglass met with his former enslaver. (via Damn Interesting)

How Dinosaurs Thrived in the Snow. Discoveries made in the past decades help show how many species coped with cold temperatures near both poles.

A blast from the past (2017): 84 Years Ago Today: Goodbye Prohibition! (Update: 87 years ago tomorrow)


  1. How do people with 6 and 8 children pay for them all? Some people with huge families like this are rich, but many are in poverty. I have insurance, and my daughter's birth still cost about six months pre-tax wages.

  2. Interesting articles about the Donner party and Frederick Douglass.

  3. Kids often ask how I named my reindeer. I tell them
    they're named after memories, like when I saw Prancer
    frolicking through snow when he was a fawn. "What
    about Donner?" they sometimes ask. -sigh- It was
    1847, snowfall had trapped us in the Sierra Nevada. .

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  4. The story about cutting up the ship in Georgia was excellent, but there was a big bonus for me. At the bottom of the page was a video about running a pipeline by drilling under rivers and things. That's exactly what's going on a half mile from me with the Billion Dollar pipeline through eastern PA.
    Thank you.

  5. My wife has the bill from when her mom was born. Ten days in the hospital for mother and child the bill was 32.dollars in 1936
