Thursday, December 03, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Release the Kraken! Huge methane lakes on Saturn's moon Titan run deep.

The No-Shave-November Gang 2020.

A Tale of Survival, Wrapped in a 19th-Century Reindeer-Skin Sleeping Bag. 

Lucky Ducky and the return of the Deficit Hawk! The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

Why Everyone’s Suddenly Hoarding Mason Jars.

Thirty-five years ago, a Bouyei ethnic minority member was trafficked across China to a faraway village where nobody spoke her language. This year, she miraculously found her way home. (via Nag on the Lake)

A Roundup Of Surprising, Little-Known Die Hard Facts.

My Family Was In Shipping. An uncomfortable discussion of immigrant racism in America. (via Metafilter)

Four years of Melania Trump's White House Christmas decorations.

A blast from the past (2015): 8 Christmas Song Parodies to Sing This Holiday.


  1. Melania's gawd-awful Xmas decorations and the Christmas parody carols go wonderfully together!

  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Yes, yes they do.

  3. That story of the woman who had been kidnapped 35 years ago is quite the read. Many of us really have little to complain about.
