Friday, December 25, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

A Pictorial History of Santa Claus. (via Everlasting Blort)

Christmas Humor of the 19th Century. (via Strange Company)

8 Dark and Twisted Interpretations of It’s A Wonderful Life.

Check Out These Wondrous Holiday Light Displays Around the World.

Yes, indeed, it's time for Strange Company's annual look at the worst and weirdest the Christmas season has to offer! 

The 30 Saddest Christmas Songs. (via Digg

20 Traditional Gift-Giving Superstitions.

The Christmas Eve Fire That Destroyed the West Wing.

In case you didn't want to get a dumpster fire ornament to remember 2020, here's an appropriately heroic one. (via Swiss Miss)

Christmas Wasn’t Always the Kid-Friendly Gift Extravaganza We Know Today.


  1. Here's another sad Christmas song by Canada's late, great folksinger, Stan Rogers, called "First Christmas Away From Home" --

  2. Oh no, those dark and twisted interpretations of "It's a Wonderful Life" -- lies, ALL LIES! I follow that gift superstition of always putting money in a gifted purse. Also, if you give knives, you tape money to the blade so it will not cut the friendship. Love the Dr Fauci ornament, LOL!

  3. Appreciate the Santa Pictorial History especially with regard to Coca-Cola.

    The saddest song list is a little off because they missed a few that are sadder (IMHO):

    The Kinks - Father Christmas

    Emerson Lake & Palmer - I Believe in Father Christmas
    And the saddest of all - Dan Fogelberg - Same Old Lang Syne

    Because it's Autobiographical

    Merry Christmas to all

  4. I've always considered Fogelberg's "Same Old Lang Syne", due to the title reference to "Auld Lang Syne", to be a sad New Year's song.


  5. Yeah, but the Same Old Lang Syne story takes place on a snowy Christmas Eve.
