Friday, November 27, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

There are 82 new Christmas movies this year. Yes, they are formulaic, but 2020 is the year to indulge in safe guilty pleasures.

One Of America's Most Nightmarish Monsters Was A Nice Old Lady. Read the story of Georgia Tann and her long reign of terror at Cracked.

My kitten Charlie loves the laundry hamper. He’ll meow and whine until you put upside down so he can become a kitty Roomba.

Trump's attempted coup plays out, in Chagrin Falls, USA. The latest fromTom the Dancing Bug.

A History of Felines, as Narrated and Illustrated by a Cat. Baba not only channels fascinating cats in history, but models costumes of their era.

During the late night recording session for "We Are The World," a spontaneous but appropriate tribute to Harry Belafonte broke out.

Culled mink rise from the dead
to Denmark's horror. Somewhere, someone just got five in a row on their 2020 bingo card. (via Boing Boing)

New Chemistry and the Birth of Public Hygiene. What better way to clean up pollution than to flood it with acid vapors? (via Damn Interesting

David's father is a fan of the movie The Terminator, but David isn't allowed to watch it, because it might scare him. In this webcomic story from Doogie Horner, David finally sees the movie. (via Metafilter)
A blast from the past (2015): These 9 NASA Posters Give Astronauts the Celebrity Treatment.


  1. Lots of good kitty content today, thanks!

  2. Georgia Tann worked at Cracked ?

  3. And, Chagrin Falls ? Wasn't that where the guy behind National Lampoon was from ?

  4. Tarminator is most excellent! Thank you.
