Friday, October 02, 2020

October Surprise

I woke up this morning to the news that Trump, Melania, Hope Hicks, and God knows who else have all tested positive for COVID-19. I am glad for my own soul that my first response was that's terrible, and said a little prayer. Then a few thoughts about schadenfreude snuck in- after all, he was the one who scrapped Obama's pandemic plans and here we are with 206,000 Americans dead. But I wouldn't wish this virus on anyone, especially an obese 74-year-old with the nuclear codes.

Of course, there's talk about how he's lying about it, but I don't believe that for a minute. The announcement happened overnight. There's no real upside for his campaign, especially after he downplayed the pandemic and held all those maskless rallies.    

Then I began to think about all the possible implications for our nation. If he is asymptomatic, that could further promote lax behavior among his followers. If he becomes really sick, it could leave him with lasting disabilities. And who would run the country meanwhile? If he dies, the election will be thrown into chaos. How many people did he expose to the virus? Could Biden have caught it?

Right now is a good time for all of us to pray for our nation.  


  1. It is Karma. But I pray that he does not become ill and that the election process can proceed. How many disasters can we bear at one time.

  2. Oh here it comes with the Trump hate. Before you all get on your high horse realize he isn't the first country leader to have it, even your precious Justin Trudeau had caught it.

  3. This truly is karma at work. You summarized my feelings exactly.

  4. OooooooKaaaaaaaaaay Kiddies, lets holster our respective keyboards !!!

    2020 has been rough on all of us and 2021 will hopefully provide us with much needed relief and fresh prospective of current events and paranoia Crank it up and rip the knob off !!

  5. He killed 200,000 people to gain political power. He should inject some bleach and cure himself.

  6. Fact check: Justin Trudeau's wife had Covid in March, not Justin Trudeau himself.

  7. Thank you for a sane and prayerful post. It shows how wonderful you are and always have been. Thank you Radiofox.

  8. Thanks for your merciful response to this additional disaster.

  9. Well, the order of succession dictates who would run the country if Trump were to die or become incapacitated, the Vice-President (Mike Pence) would take over. After that, the Speaker of the House — Sen. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — would be second in line for the White House.

    The President pro tempore of the Senate, or the oldest senator — 86-year-old Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) — is third in line, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would be fourth.  Other cabinet members would be next:  Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is fifth, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is sixth and U.S. Attorney General William Barr is seventh. And from there on down you work your way through the rest of the Cabinet — Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor and so on all the way down to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Robert Wilkie) who would be #17 in line.

    The question is whether Trump would ever consider himself incapacitated and willingly step aside, even for the Veep. His past behavior makes me believe he wouldn't give up power for a split-second unless he was dead or unconscious.

