Thursday, October 29, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Award Winners 2020. (via Bored Panda)

Animals Keep Evolving Into Crabs, Which Is Somewhat Disturbing. (via Damn Interesting)

The Lifelong Guilt Trip of Abstinence Pledges and Purity Balls. (via Digg)

Some really weird vintage Halloween costumes. (Thanks, WTM!)

Donald's Election Adventures. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

Berea College in Kentucky is a hub of traditional Appalachian crafts, and their hand-woven brooms have been in demand for a hundred years. The brooms are available here.

The Great Light Bulb Conspiracy. Why your light bulbs never last long enough.

Halloween Decorations Prompt Multiple Police Visits. Steven Novak's front yard looks life the scene of multiple murders. (via Boing Boing)

Friends surprise Omaha man with radio-controlled lawn mower. (via Fark)

A blast from the past (2011): 8 Historic Accounts of Werewolves.


  1. That brooms article was interesting!

  2. The lawnmower story in Omaha NE, two days ago on Oct 27th. There's SNOW on the ground... Brrrrrr.

  3. That long-lasting light bulb has been well studied and documented. I read about it in college over 40 years ago. It was originally designed to operate on DC and at a much higher voltage than is used today, so it is not surprising it has lasted longer by running much dimmer and cooler that bulbs designed for modern electrical systems.

  4. The "great lightbulb conspiracy" conspiracy-theory. You try to chase down sources and all you find is the engineers working for the cartel companies saying "Yes, this is really the most efficient, you get more lumens per watt and more consistent light output through the life of the bulb". And there were of course cheaper non-cartel bulbs available (particularly from Japan in the US market), and the contemporaneous tests showed that with them you ended up paying much more in the long run.

    The UK monopolies commission also found no skullduggery:

  5. The UK monopolies commission concluded the Phoebus
    Agreement was favorable to the UK and decided
    not to judge how this was so. Their final
    conclusions are based on the industry as it was
    currently operating.

    One of the better histories of the Great
    Lightbulb Conspiracy can be found at IEEE Spectrum.
    And this article draws an analogy between that
    past and today's LEDs. Maybe a warning.
