Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Hot Chocolate Effect

I had never heard of the allassonic effect before, have you? Wikipedia explains.

The hot chocolate effect, also known as the allassonic effect, is a phenomenon of wave mechanics first documented in 1982 by Frank Crawford, where the pitch heard from tapping a cup of hot liquid rises after the addition of a soluble powder.[1][2] It was first observed in the making of hot chocolate or instant coffee, but also occurs in other situations such as adding salt to supersaturated hot water or cold beer. Recent research has found many more substances which create the effect, even in initially non-supersaturated liquids.[3]

It can be observed by pouring hot milk into a mug, stirring in chocolate powder, and tapping the bottom of the mug with a spoon while the milk is still in motion. The pitch of the taps will increase progressively with no relation to the speed or force of tapping. Subsequent stirring of the same solution (without adding more chocolate powder) will gradually decrease the pitch again, followed by another increase. This process can be repeated a number of times, until equilibrium has been reached.[4] Upon initial stirring, entrained gas bubbles reduce the speed of sound in the liquid, lowering the frequency. As the bubbles clear, sound travels faster in the liquid and the frequency increases.
The video above shows you how to do it, but I'm not sure if that's instant coffee or he's putting cocoa into hot water just to demonstrate. Yuk. Now I am craving a nice cup of cocoa with milk, sugar, a touch of vanilla, and cocoa powder. (via TYWKIWDBI)

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