Monday, September 28, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

11 Job Secrets of Astronauts

50 Cats Shamelessly Disrespecting People’s Personal Space. You get a cat, you get a bathroom buddy.

Inside the Arctic Greenhouses Where the Summer Sun Never Sets.

A 10,000 Year Warning. Artificial intelligence figures out how to label radioactive waste sites for future civilizations. (via Metafilter

 A 20th-Century Jonah and the Whale Tale. This time it's a woman in a whale's belly in Australia. (via Strange Company

Hey Maybe Someone Go Check And See If GM's Truck Designers Are OK. "These aren’t trucks; they’re nightmares, beautifully rendered nightmares, and they may be a cry for help, which is why I’m reaching out."

First Evidence of a Planet in Another Galaxy. We only found it because it revolves around a black hole eating a star. (via Damn Interesting)

There's Always Someone There To Greet This Woman When Her Workday Is Over.

The Galley Slave and the Barrel Hoop. The story of a man who ate himself to death. (via Strange Company)

A blast from the past (2016): 4 Castles You Can Find in Phoenix.


  1. Love the cats spying on people in the bathroom, LOL! Especially the neighbours' cats.

  2. Hope you enjoyed our birthday.

  3. a black hole earring a star?

  4. 10k year warning: a mountain of used tires, that would easily last that long w/o being claimed or recyeled.

  5. WTM -autocorrect strikes again! It's fixed now.

  6. Thanks, Bruce, I did enjoy it! I got three cards, some money, a pot of mums, a box of tea, and homemade muffins!
