Friday, September 18, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Disney’s Many Failed Attempts to Bring Don Quixote to the Screen. (via Digg

The perfect banana is now a get-out-the-vote billboard.

Scientific American
Endorses Joe Biden. It's the first time in its 175-year history that the magazine has endorsed any
presidential candidate.

Jenny Jinya is back with a heartbreaking comic about a parakeet.

The Acorn Woodpeckers Wars. The birds battle each other for days until one wins the right to breed.

Chewbacca Sneakers are as Hairy as You'd Expect.

Why Birds Survived and Dinosaurs Went Extinct. Maybe it was the beaks. 

George Carlin explains Fury Road. Even though he died seven years before it premiered.

When Plants Go To War. (via Damn Interesting)

A blast from the past (2016): 6 Spectacular Praying Mantises. 


As a side note, they took away the legacy version of the Blogger interface today. I hate the new version, which requires twice as many steps to do anything. Pulling up old posts out the 30,000 or so I have is a real pain. You can no longer plop your code in anywhere and have it work. And it's very slow. On the bright side, the search function works for the first time in years. It will take me some time to get used to this.


  1. As a fellow Blogger-user feel your pain. The worst is its insistence of putting p tags instead of br tags, and I can't access my sidebar at all.

    After 16 years of being able to do what I want with my blog I’m ready to give it up.

  2. Yes, New Blogger sucks. You're right about everything taking many more steps and much more time to do. It's especially tough if your blog is link heavy (like yours) or image heavy (like mine). If they offered us Legacy Blogger back for a monthly fee, I'd pay it gladly.

    Those Chewbacca sneakers are pretty wild!

  3. That seems to be the norm now for software and apps. Improve them until they stop working.

  4. Just one more reason for us to thank our lucky stars Miss C puts in the hours and effort every damn day. That's 365 piles of smiles for which I'm so grateful. Thank you.

  5. When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show.
    When you're born in America, you get a front row seat.

    -- George Carlin

    But hey - at least you're on the Fun Side of Trump's Wall.

    Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana,
    and it's Happy Friday again Miss C.
