Thursday, April 30, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Returns for Social-distancing Riff-Along Special.

The Great Antarctic Escape. Spanish research stations had to evacuate before winter, but found border closing on them.

Guac 'n' Roll: How a Recycled College Menu Design Became a Classic Led Zeppelin Poster.

Hold my beer while I'm teleconferencing.

How Are Rich People Getting Richer During the Coronavirus Pandemic? (via Digg)

The worst wax figures from Madam Tussaud's House of Wax.

“Nothing But Death”: Inside the Nursing Home Where NYC’s Most Vulnerable Struggle to Survive COVID-19.

Death Before Defeat- the Badass Story of Arrichion of Phigalia. He won his third pankration championship, but died doing it.

10 Movies and Shows That Predicted Way Different 2020 Disasters.

A blast from the past (2007): The Lure of Fishing.


  1. Bummer, no pictures of the fishing lures.

  2. Oh wow, Mental Floss is seriously purging their archives.
