Thursday, April 23, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Bottled Up: Three Centuries of Whimsey Constructed Within Walls of Glass.

Salvador Dali's cat. No, not the ocelot.

12 Classic Chinese Films are Now Available for Free on YouTube with English Subtitles. (via Metafilter)

Lucky Ducky and the COVID Crisis: Gotcha! The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

The garden at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson in Virginia, grows with more than 70 species of heirloom vegetables, plus herbs and fruit. It's not been a continuous garden, but a painstaking recreation of the experiment Jefferson was obsessed with.

Dancing Through Our Bad Year. Do the dancing manias of the medieval area have anything to do with all the dancing we see now?

The King Who Became a Pirate. A true descendant of Vikings. (via Damn Interesting)

Does Your Favorite Period Drama Pass the Bill & Ted Test? A fashion historian explains her unusual standard for judging Regency costumes. (via Metafilter)

A blast from the past (2012): Not Your Parents' Action Figures.


  1. Do you still have your action figure?

  2. Yes! It's still in the box, in a cabinet somewhere with my bobble head and robot portrait and other swag.
