Friday, April 17, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

The Winners of The World’s Finest Science-Themed Peeps Diorama Contest 2020. (via Smithsonian)

When Chinese Americans Were Blamed for 19th-Century Epidemics, They Built Their Own Hospital.

5 scathing cartoons about Trump's rush to reopen the economy.

When Monks Went Undercover to Steal Relics. (via Damn Interesting)

Look at these photos and videos of armed men protesting the lockdown in Michigan.

The Secret of Coade Stone.

The Social Media Shame Machine Is In Overdrive Right Now.

How to Grow Vegetables From Kitchen Scraps.

A blast from the past (2017): 15 Fabulous and Famous Internet Pigs.


  1. Quarantine Day 22: Decided to have my own peep show.
    Stuck toothpicks into two peeps, put 'em on a paper
    plate and then into the microwave. Hit go and let 'em
    have at it. Oh the humanity.


    Happy Friday Miss C.

  2. Saying that "the curve is flattening, so we can start lifting restrictions now" makes about as much sense as saying "the parachute has slowed our rate of descent, so we can take it off now."

