Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Vintage Cat Ladies. (via Strange Company)

The US is about six weeks late in testing for coronavirus. And the distribution of tests is only making things worse.

The Real History Behind The Sound of Music. Compared to other movies "based on a true story," the account was remarkably close to the truth.

Red and Blue America Aren’t Experiencing the Same Pandemic. The disconnect is already shaping, even distorting, the nation’s response. (via TYWKIWDBI)

Total Cost of Her COVID-19 Treatment: $34,927.43. https://time.com/5806312/coronavirus-treatment-cost/ This is all it takes to get people to hide their illness. (via Digg) https://digg.com/

“I’m losing it.” Sound on!

Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak. 

The Oregon Creamery Making Vodka From Milk.

"Social Distance." The latest music parody from Randy Rainbow. NSFW lyrics.

A blast from the past (2012): 20 TV Shows Recreated With Peeps.


  1. Cowcohol. Gotta get me some of that!

  2. Just in time for Lebowskifest2020
