Monday, December 23, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

It’s Me, the Hanukkah Display In Your Grocery Store. Please come enjoy my finest selection of matzah. Bonus shower curtain. (via Metafilter)

The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda: Are You Ready?

6 Brilliant 'Solutions' That Only Made Things Worse.

The problem with covering "both sides" equally. Find more links at Metafilter.

Katie McBride Newman's family were hanging owl ornaments when they found a real owl had come with the tree! (via Boing Boing)

He Lost Both Feet in the Mountains, But He Survived. (via Digg)

How the Fata Morgan Mirage Works.

Redditor szor found out her Secret Santa is Bill Gates. The package was so big, she couldn't even get it home in one piece. The video version is here.  

Pro-Trump Publisher Booted Off Facebook for Doing The Bad Thing. It gets pretty weird.

A blast from the past (2008): 8 Truly Strange Christmas Customs.


  1. Looks like a bad link on losing both feet guy.

  2. Ah! The link was good, but I overlooked embedding it. Thanks for the heads up -fixed now!
