Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Sneaky Plan to Subvert the Electoral College for the Next Election

The Electoral College was put into the Constitution, we are taught, because the Founding Fathers envisioned a time when the general population might vote a complete idiot to the office, so "wise men" could correct that mistake. It was also to give states some extra say in deciding presidential elections just for being states, which was a compromise with the southern states that had lots of men who counted toward representation but couldn't vote (because they were enslaved). They didn't foresee that political parties would eventually assign electors, and they didn't foresee winner-take-all rules that the states would enact. The result is that my presidential vote doesn't count at all, ever, because I'm in the minority party in my state. And for those in the majority party for their states, a vote in Wyoming is worth eight or ten votes in New York. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact might fix that, in a roundabout way. CGP Grey explains. 

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