Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving at My House

We had a marvelous feast yesterday. There were ten people (no children), which meant setting up a second table. My plan to was mix up the guests at each table from the families, but I was busy dishing up the food, and Princess and Gothgrrl were getting drinks and therefore assigning who sat where. When we all sat down, we saw that there were six college students at the main table and us older folks were sitting at what was once the kids' table.

That seemed a little weird at first, but we noticed that the students (my two, my brother's two, and two international students who'd never had an American Thanksgiving dinner) from three colleges were having an animated conversation about things students talk about. This was such a contrast with all those years that the young people barely spoke while eating with older relatives. So their parents and grandma listened in the background and found it lovely. Not only are our children grown up, but they've become interesting, friendly, and engaging people.

When we cleared away most of the dishes and brought out dessert, all ten moved to the main table. A good time was had by all. 


  1. Sounds like a beautiful moment, Miss C! Happy Thanksgiving from Iowa!

  2. Wonderful! a belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  3. You had a beautiful Thanksgiving. That's what it's all about.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! That sounds like a perfect holiday meal.
