Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

The Bangor, Maine Police Department has a delightful Facebook feed. Check out an Airbnb adventure and instructions for Thanksgiving dinner with the family. (Thanks, gwdMaine!)

The Museum Tour Guide Who Shaped Mark Twain’s Views on Race.

20 Twitter Thanksgiving Horror Stories.

Tucker Carlson says he's rooting for Russia in conflict with Ukraine. How long before this becomes official US policy? 

The Mystery of Lincoln’s First Inauguration Photograph. (via Damn Interesting

The Adventurous Seafaring Women of the Age of Sail.

Know Your Stuffing 2019. What your Republican loved ones will try to feed you this Thanksgiving and what you can bring to the table.

Loss, love and a promise kept for the voice of Auburn football. It's not about sports; it's about a family. (via Metafilter)

Since 2004, the Smithsonian anthropology department looks forward to Eric Hollinger's cake at the Christmas party. Take a look to see why.

A blast from the past (2016): 10 Creative Ways to Prepare a Turkey.