Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

Quilty the Jailbreaker. He believes all should be free, including himself.

The Feminist. A modern day horror tale, spawning an extended discussion at Metafilter.

Bizarre Habits That Are Weirdly Hard To Quit. Everyone has some little quirk or obsession, often harmless and rarely shared.

How Warren's Wealth Tax Would Affect Billionaires. Spoiler: they wouldn't starve. (via Digg)

She left her car windows down. The neighborhood strays found it. 

The Last Victim of Smallpox. Of all places, no one expected a smallpox outbreak in Birmingham, England, in 1978. (via Damn Interesting)

Why do reusable grocery bags drive people crazy?

An unbelievable story of rape. Actually a series of rapes, but Marie was the one branded with lying about it.

CatDad Feeds His Kitties In Cat Mask. Dogs react differently.

A blast from the past (2012): Messing with Mother Nature: 5 Invasion Stories.

1 comment:

  1. I was only a few paragraphs in to Unbelievable when I
    thought, wait a minute I've seen this.

    An awesome Netflix series starring a couple of my
    favorite up and coming actresses: Merritt Wever and
    Kaitlyn Dever.

    A review:
    Unbelievable created a revolutionary portrayal of rape
