Friday, November 01, 2019


(Thanks, WTM!)


  1. Back in my day a selfie is what you did when the wife had a
    headache; if you didn't have a bike you walked, and we stalked
    with binoculars not Facebook. We had to walk 5 feet through
    shag carpet (both ways!) just to change the channel and you
    had go to channel 3 if you wanted to play video games. We
    didn't have memes either, we had rocks. Well, we did, but they
    were grandmothers. But we were happy! We walked miles to
    school through blizzards and liked it! Eating soap was a
    punishment not a challenge and a safe space was a foxhole.
    And another thing. . . oh . . I can't remember..

    Happy Friday Miss C.

  2. Perhaps great,great,great grandma.
