Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Word Men Have Never Heard

Language and its usage are quirky things, and we rarely notice what we are already used to, but standup comics rely on observing those things the rest of us miss. James Acaster has a story that illustrates one of these quirks. The laughter comes when you realize how absolutely right he is. Also when he says, "You don't need to know why."


  1. Since we are now in the age of "pick your own gender/sexual orientation — or combination thereof", it won't be long before the default pronoun will be "it".


  2. I find the term jackass fits all

  3. I think "shaba" is a Buddhist word that means "the world we live in." Yakuza sometimes use this word in phrases referring to going to or returning to prison.

  4. The 'You don't need to know why.' comment is part of a story split into four pieces over four shows. They're part of his Netflix special but you can probably get them (or her) on YouTube.
