Thursday, October 31, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

A Haunting Compendium of Paris Ghost Stories.

If you want to party on Halloween, but are too shy to dress up in an ostentatious costume, you might be ready for jimi halloween (地味ハロウィン), or “mundane Halloween.” The idea is to come up with a clever yet everyday persona that won't cause people to stare at you on the way to the party.  (via Boing Boing

Want to watch TV like it was way back when? Check out My 70s TV or My 80s TV or My 90s TV. (via Metafilter)

Thank You Yellow Cab for the unnecessary 35 minute scenic tour Saturday night to our hotel 7 blocks away. The story is in the top comment. (via TYWKIWDBI)

Here's What Studio 54's Infamous Halloween Parties Really Looked Like. NSFW.

We’re the Husbands from Every Haunted House Movie, and We Think You’re Just Not Giving Our New Home a Chance.

What Lies Beneath. Vox explains how exhumation works. (via Damn Interesting)

17 Family Halloween Costumes That Are Both Creative And Spooktacular.

The Wonderful World of Selling Your Haunted House. Sometime, such a disclosure makes its value go up.

 A blast from the past (2015): The Spellbinding Stories of 6 Historic Witches.


  1. Just lost a half-hour to My 70s TV... I'm at work, darn it! That website could easily be my whole day, if I let it.

    Thanks, Miss C for doing the hard job finding these things and sharing them with the world!

    Happy Halloween-

  2. Happy Halloween to you, MarkOfIowa!


  3. In the Spirit of Neewollah …..

    enjoy these Halloween drone videos
