Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Global Restaurant Chain Run by North Korea

North Korea is the most isolated and shunned nation in the world, but it manages to do a little international trade through its Pyongyang Restaurants. You won't find one near you, most likely, because they haven't quite made it to America or New Zealand yet. Half as Interesting tells us why.


  1. "You won't find one near you, most likely, because they haven't quite made it to America".
    Is this site only for people that are residing in America ?
    If so, I didn't know, I'm a bit slow, I need to go.
    I'm across the Pacific, to be specific, in a country that's terrific and not xenophobictistic
    Here we include, we're not rude, and we're not crude, so c'mon dude
    Or dudess, why you causing stress, why should my address, make me any less ?

  2. Okay, I updated the post just for you. They do not have any restaurants in any countries that rely on the English language.
