Monday, September 16, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

The Annals of Improbable Research awarded their 2019 Ig Nobel Prizes. The winners included studies on scrotum temperature symmetry, training surgeons with a clicker, and why wombat poop comes out in cubes.

An Eclipse on Jupiter.

It’s time this Kitschiest of Obscure Vintage Treasures had a Comeback. Would you recognize an epergne if you saw one?

Arnold Schwarzenegger Isn't Competitive. He Just Likes to Win. A profile of  a 72-year-old Terminator.

Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2019 Winners. 

I am not at all interested in all that food.

33 Wedding Nightmares That'll Make You Glad You're Single. 

How to Lose Weight While Barely Moving. You might be surprised at how many calories the world's best chess players expend doing what they do. (via Metafilter)

Men Hired to Test Iowa Courthouse Security Arrested After They Did the Job Too Well.

A blast from the past (2008): Fun with Venn and Euler Diagrams.

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