Friday, September 20, 2019

Area 51 Raiders

Here's a picture taken early this morning somewhere in Nevada of the first folks ready to storm Area 51. The event is was originally called  “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us,” before it was changed at the last minute. Maybe they can't stop all of us, but the US military will have no trouble stopping these couple of dozen people. There are probably more journalists around than raiders. (via reddit)


  1. And of course, if they were ever allowed on-site and permitted to look around, they would find nothing.

    Which these whack-jobs would then insist was proof that there WAS something there but the government had moved it to another secret base somewhere.

    What's the old saying — You can't fix stupid, but you can make fun of it?


  2. BB, My favorite saying is---You can't fix stupid, but duct tape can muffle the noise.

  3. Why bother? They gave several months warning. All the aliens and spacecraft have long since been moved off site :)
