Wednesday, August 21, 2019

THX's New Deep Note Trailer

THX has a brand-new "Deep Note" trailer to be shown in theaters that are THX-certified. You won't get the full effect watching it on a small device, or even a home TV set, but the animation and sound are still impressive. If you aren't all that sure what THX means, Gizmodo fills us in.
Originally developed back in 1983 by Lucasfilm’s Tomlinson Holman as a way to ensure that the sound for Star Wars: Return of the Jedi would be accurately reproduced in theaters, THX is a quality control and certification system that takes into account everything from a cinema’s acoustic performance to the screen and projector’s image quality to even the amount of background noise heard inside the theater. Most audiences probably couldn’t hear the difference between a THX-approved theater and one that wasn’t, but what made THX popular among many movie fans was the iconic Deep Note glissando that played ahead of the film, which had originally been created by Lucasfilm’s James A. Moorer.
Few theaters today are up to THX standards, but if you see this trailer on the big screen, you know you've found one.

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