Sunday, August 18, 2019


That never made any sense here on earth, either. This comic is from Nathan Pyle's Strange Planet.


  1. I could never understand it either.  Many bars discouraged darts with steel tips, citing the possibility of intoxicated persons causing injury by the reckless use of the darts as projectiles.

    But these same establishments were perfectly OK with putting six-foot cudgels (pool cues) into the hands of these same people, as well as allowing them access to sixteen potential projectiles (the balls on the table) that were potentially capable of far more damage than three darts.

    Personally, I think that it was because nobody came up with a way to make money off of steel-tip darts as opposed to the amount of money that gets put into the coin-op plastic-tip dart machines and pool tables.


  2. As a kid, we played with lawn darts. We would play across 2 front yards or across the street. What could possibly go wrong?
