Friday, August 16, 2019

Bunny Beer

(via Fark)


  1. I don't always drink beer. Just kidding, of course I do.
    It's Friday. Beer is coming. And I always say to myself:
    Frank, you have to stop drinking beer. Luckily, I'm not
    Frank because drink beer we must. One does not simply
    drink just one beer. I don't even believe myself when I
    say only one beer. In fact, 5-6 every day is guaranteed
    to reduce your risk of giving a ...crap. Wouldn't you
    rather be full of beer than full of ...crap?. Somewhere
    out there there's a beer thinking of me too. Remember -
    hangovers are temporary, drunk stories are forever, and
    you can't drink bacon.

    Thanks for the attitude adjustment Miss C. Happy Friday!
