Friday, July 26, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

When New Yorkers Were Menaced By Banana Peels. The old comedy trope was rooted in reality.

So much drama in the animal kingdom.

What If Avoiding the Sun Is Bad for You? While sunlight can give you skin cancer, it also helps protect you from heart disease.

Captain Native America.

5 Everyday Foods That Are Disgusting Behind The Scenes.

Matchbox Art Featuring Dogs with Personalities, from the guy who brought us matchboxes featuring drunk cats

Vote For the Shed of the Year 2019! Vote for your favorite finalist in seven categories: Pubs/Entertainment, Nature's Haven, Cabin, Unique, Workshops, Budget, and Unexpected. (via Metafilter)

The Great Saudi Beauty Pageant Scandal of 2018. (via Bits and Pieces)

Undead Tree Stump Is Being Kept Alive by Neighboring Trees.

A blast from the past (2008): 6 Massive Earth Moving Projects.


  1. Hey Miss C., did you know Australia's wild camel
    population is the biggest in the world? True! They
    were shipped there by the British. Oddly enough,
    so were the Australians.

    Happy Friday!

    And tomorrow is the 153rd anniversary of the Metric Act!
    Happy Metric Day
