Thursday, June 27, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

Antarctica's Unsolved Poisoning Case

The Battle to Make Tim Burton’s Batman. Michael Uslan had dreamed of making a dark Batman film for years, and even after he got the rights to the character, no studio was interested. (via Metafilter)

Twins For a Day. A set of identical brothers ambivalently attends the world’s largest gathering for twins.

Trump’s war on refugees is tearing down US's life-changing resettlement program.

The Unexpected History of the Air Conditioner.

The Martini-Drinking Cat.

When Pepsi Had a Navy. They didn't set out deliberately to do it, and they never engaged in naval warfare, but at one time, the Pepsi company once had 17 diesel attack submarines and a fleet of oil tankers. (via Digg)

The Gorilla Crow.

A blast from the past (2012): 10 Horrible Things We Do to Teddy Bears.


  1. A bit off subject, but this has been in the news
    the past week or so and every time I see it, for
    some reason I think of you. Must have something
    to do with an old post.

    Judith and Holofernes
