Thursday, May 30, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

Why All of Upstate New York Grew Up Eating the Same Barbecue Chicken. Robert C. Baker is one of the people you can thank for the popularity of chicken in America as opposed to beef and pork.

Physician Burnout Costs the U.S. Billions of Dollars Each Year. (via reddit)

6 Poor Servants Who Wound Up Making History

Randy Rainbow's latest song parody is "Just Impeach Him."

Charlie bit my finger (feline edition).

This 1950s Heart-Lung Machine Revolutionized Cardiac Surgery. And saved little boy who grow up to be a cardiologist.

Donald Trump’s Wikipedia Entry Is a War Zone. It’s one of the most popular pages on the internet. But behind the scenes, editors are fighting a brutal, petty battle over every word. (via Digg)
The Son Who Reinvented Sugar to Help His Diabetic Dad. (via Damn Interesting)

The Killer Queues of Ukraine. Eighteen civilians have died waiting in the lines the cross the border of the Russian-occupied regions since December. (via Digg)

A blast from the past (2008): A Tour of the Peabody Hotel.


  1. We like to marinate chicken in Italian salad dressing, then baste it with more as it cooks. The Olive Garden Italian dressing you can buy in the grocery store is our favorite.

  2. I use the Kraft zesty Italian anytime I cook fish.
    I have some boneless breast meat in the fridge, time to start marinating!

  3. I didn't see a timeline of when this chicken revolution started.
