Friday, February 15, 2019

Wedding Place Cards

(via Bored Panda)


  1. Anyway is an adverb. How do you have a plural of an adverb?

  2. Plural adverbs!

    Ah, if only everyone were (was?) perfect.

  3. If people are ignorant enough to not RSVP and then still show up, they certainly are too ignorant to realize that 'anyways' is not a word.

  4. The English language, unlike some languages, does not have an official rulebook, though it does have informal rule enforcers who do their best keep the language from losing too much rationality and going astray.

    So, on the one hand, I have to admit that I hear the word 'anyways' quite a bit in some parts of the country, so, like it or not, it is a word. On the other hand, I used to say it myself until I became self aware of it. I didn't like the sound of it, so a made a habit of saying it 'correctly' without the plural form. So I applaud those who do their best to improve the language.

    It might be more effective to say 'this is a better way of saying it' rather than 'this is the correct way of saying it'.
