Thursday, January 24, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

9 Michael Crichton Sci-Fi Movies That Don't Involve Dinosaurs or Wild West Robots.

Why is my Gmail suddenly full? And why do I have to pay to make this problem go away?

Trump’s Lawyer Said There Were “No Plans” For Trump Tower Moscow. Here They Are. 

The historic firsts of the 2019 Oscar nominations. In another milestone, I've actually seen two of the Best Picture nominees, which hasn't happened in more than twenty years.

“Which School Did You Go To?” The Covington Catholic Incident Hits Close to Home.

Baby Does Grown-Up Stuff. Ryan is only six months old, but he's already got experience shaving, fishing, playing poker, lifting weights, mowing the lawn, working on the car, chopping wood, and other adult activities. (via Boing Boing)

Vacationing at the Edge of a Giant Hole in the Earth. Welcome to Mirny, a company mining town in Siberia.

The MAGA Hat Goes Beyond Politics, It’s Become A Symbol Of Hate.

Gemologist Finds Insect Trapped in Opal. Opal would have taken a very long time to form, so how did this happen? (via Gizmodo)

A blast from the past (2013): When Gamers Decorate: 7 Awesome Video Game Rooms.

1 comment:

  1. David Cole has no clue what happened in DC, he's going by the carefully staged video of Phillips and Sandmann. When viewing longer videos from different angles it was Phillips who intentionally caused the incident. While the Covington whippersnappers were typical high schoolers being used to further the church's agenda, this incident wasn't what it was purported to be. In fact it was a non-incident.
