Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

Meet a Village Grappling with Climate Change. The residents of Shishmaref, Alaska, voted to move inland, but they cannot afford to do it. (via Digg)

The Surprising Story of Eartha Kitt in Istanbul. (via Nag on the Lake)

When a DNA Test Reveals Your Daughter Is Not Your Biological Child.

When Employers Demand a Salary Range From Applicants but Refuse to Suggest One. That "desired salary" field on your application is a land mine.

3,121 desperate journeys. Analyzing a week's worth of immigrants who came to the US/Mexico border.

The Legend of Nes Cemetery. Nature itself seems to have something against the graveyard. (via Strange Company)

'Do Not Track,' the Privacy Tool Used by Millions of People, Doesn't Do Anything

How Would We Recognize an Alien if We Saw One?

17 Of The Absolute Worst Sex Ed "Facts" People Ever Received.

A blast from the past (2007): The Haunted Hospital. 

(Thanks to WTM for today's image!)

1 comment:

  1. You are living, you occupy space, you have a mass.
    You matter.

    Until you multiply yourself times the speed of light squared.
    Then you Energy.
