Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I Got a Job!

It's true! I'm a part-time baker at a local grocery store. I'm in training right now, and it's terrifying. I don't know if I'll be good at this, or be able to keep up with everything. It's been more than thirty years since I've had a job requiring standing all day, and my legs are killing me. And I have to get up pretty early. But I'm excited about it, especially about the prospect of a regular paycheck. I now have several small income streams cobbled together, and although it's not as much as I used to make, it's enough for someone who lives alone and whose kids have full scholarships.

As a consequence, posting may be a little erratic here until I get my schedule straightened out and get used to it. Please bear with me; it's just temporary.


  1. Fantastic news, Miss C.

  2. Congrats and Keep a bit of blind faith, things will work soon enough

  3. Yay! Good for you MissCellania. I've never commented before but I just want you to know I visit your blog several times a week — it really brightens up what otherwise might be a very cloudy day.

  4. Congratulations and best wishes for handling all that dough!

  5. Marion LibraryTechnician10/31/2018 12:51:00 AM

    Awesome! I'm impressed with your work ethic, and I know you will be a star. :-) Now, you get yourself some Skecher's work sneakers (I live in them!) and some support socks, and invest in a little Voltaren gel for the bad knee days. all the best!

  6. Great, I'm so glad you're in a better place financially! :-)

  7. Good luck, Miss C- I know you can do it! :-)

  8. Congrats! Go get some Crocs, nursing shoes of some sort.

  9. Erraticness will be temporary.
    Employment will not.
    Miss C and we acolytes will go on forever.

  10. That's great news! I hope you end up loving it. Your loyal followers will continue to follow you. If you are wearing pants/slacks Amazon has some really cute compression socks that will help with the leg situation

  11. Hi Miss C! I am so happy for you! Don't worry people with your sense of humor can face anything and win big always! Love, Massimo

  12. Your employer will have access to non-slip comfort shoes at a discount. As for the catalog. https://www.shoesforcrews.com/

    I have heard that supermarket bakers do not last long because of the hours. If you are good with starting early, then you should do very well. I have a buddy that is a first shift butcher. He loves getting to work at 4:00 and being done by noon.

    Congratulations - Edward

  13. Congratulations!! You go girl!!! I have great faith in anyone who has as good a sense of humor as you do. I hope everything works out!

  14. Thanks, everyone! This job will only be a couple days a week after training, so I can handle it. I already have slip-resistant shoes, and I will take your advice about socks. Thanks!

  15. Wow, is there actual baking going on at your supermarket? If I want real baked goods, I have to make an effort and travel- all my supermarket has is stuff made off the premises. Good luck!

  16. Congrats! I recommend some compression socks, especially the Lycra knee sick length. Amazon has tons of options.
    They really work.

  17. Good luck!! We're all rooting for you

  18. Your gain is our loss, but all of us are happy for you and wish only the best for you.
