Friday, October 19, 2018

How IKEA Maximizes Impulse Buying

Only 20% pf purchases at IKEA are planned ahead of time, the rest are impulse buys. The secret is the layout, which is a maze. You have to look at everything in the store to get to the meatballs. I've never been to IKEA, but can imagine that if you see something you like, you might consider putting off that purchase until later, but then you think about having to negotiate that maze again on another day, and so you go ahead and buy it now. My desire to shop at IKEA has dropped considerably after watching this video. Maybe I can sneak in the out door and get some meatballs someday.  (via Tastefully Offensive


  1. The huge IKEA on I-10 in Houston does a big business in food, as many people go there just to eat. I've been there numerous times to make a specific purchase and have never bought anything on impulse (well, other than the food). I can't speak for others I saw there but everyone I have noticed seemed to be making specific purchases. Myself, I just want to get in there and get out ASAP; that's why we always eat first. (P.S. their famous meatballs are so salty that they probably don't need to be refrigerated if you take some home.)

  2. There are hidden (not hidden so much as NOT obvious) pathways that can get you directly though the maze. They are in the corners of the display areas. You do have to walk through the whole flat pack area, but no one's going to impulse on flat pack. I like that they have really long-length curtains, and nice vases. (I got impatient one day, and noticed the archways in the corners-- voila, freedom)

  3. Oh, I just looked at the map-- you can see the portals on the map!

  4. Just remember: you get no bed, with one meatball.
