Thursday, October 25, 2018

Best of Michael Jackson Halloween Light Show 2018

Music teacher Tom BetGeorge of Tracy, California is known around the world for his computerized light shows for Halloween and Christmas. He has unveiled his 2018 Halloween show, set to a medley of music by Michael Jackson. Tom points out that the notes on the piano are accurate for the songs. I am glad that the ubiquitous geometric Jack O'Lantern faces we've seen for years have been replaced by new pumpkins. (via Boing Boing)


  1. Sorry, but I still think stuff like this is way over the top for a private display ... for either Halloween *OR* Christmas.  You've got to wonder what went by the board because of the amount of money, time, and effort spent in purchasing, constructing, and maintaining something like this throughout the season.... not to mention doing it all again a month or so later for Christmas.

  2. For Tom BetGeorge, it's not really a private display. He owns a light company and does this professionally.
