Thursday, September 27, 2018

Happens Every Year

Today is my birthday; I am 60 years old. Lest you think that is a joyful occasion, it is also the day I turn in my very last post at Mental Floss (to be posted Friday). Yes, after 11 years and seven months, I am being laid off. Combine that with the cutbacks at Neatorama, and I am in a pickle. I've been applying for local jobs wherever I can, but the skills I've gathered in 45 years of working don't translate well to what employers need here and now ...and I can't admit I've been working that long anyway, because it would give away my age. Just when I needed it, my pastor gave a message about "leaning on God because He loves us" at a prayer meeting last night. So I'm going to give the stress up to Him. Meanwhile, I'll keep applying! I will let y'all know how it turns out. 


  1. If you are 60, you could possibly qualify for survivor SSI benefits from your late husband? For getting SSI benefits based on your own record, the earliest you can get them is 62, but if you are a widow, you can get them earlier. The amount you can receive is based on how much SSI your late husband accrued, there is a slight penalty for taking early, but at the age you can start taking your own benefits (based on your own record), you can switch to the higher amount. If you'd like further information, I would be very happy to help, I've read your blog for years and I'd be happy to do anything I could to help you.

  2. I"m so sorry! I hope the work scene improves soon!

  3. Thanks, Jennifer, but I wasn't married long enough. One husband died at nine years of marriage, the other just short of eight.

  4. Despite everything, I hope you have a very happy birthday. You are very important to your readers and very loved. Best wishes on a job search.

  5. That's not true. Sixty years is a true milestone and
    you have much yet ahead of you. Look at your girls!

    Happy Birthday.

    You say your skills don't translate to "here and now"
    in the same sentence as "I've been applying for local
    jobs." This might be true - for your area of Kentucky.

    You can write, you understand web design and branding
    and marketing. Your customer service is excellent.
    Your future is not local - it's online.

    Expand your search and widen your horizons. Now re-read
    the first paragraph and get to work.

  6. Thanks, gwdMaine, I am still looking online.

  7. I hope you keep up with the MissCellania site. I look forward to it, read it every day, and often read items from it on my radio show (referring to the source, of course).

    I'm gonna be 60 in November. I'm interested to see how your after-60 life goes for you, so I'll know what to expect.

  8. Jeez I feel like I jinxed you. No place on the internet for the sane and the cheerful anymore, it seems.

    Best of luck and keep up the good work, hope something breaks good for you.

  9. The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. - Nahum 1:7

    When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. - Psalm 56:3

    Trust in rhe Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:5

    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

  10. Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes and encouragement! You all have made my day.

  11. Happy birthday! It is worth celebrating no matter what.

    Best wishes for finding some work. It isn't easy for people or our vintage, I know, but you never know what might be just around the corner.

  12. Happy birthday! I turned 60 a couple weeks ago and am currently working in a small retail store that pretty much sucks on every level (mostly the boss,but also the hours, physicality of the work, and the low pay) after getting laid off from a job I enjoyed for 25 years but also does not translate well to the job market.

    I sympathize with you totally, but do wish you a happy birthday!

    And a +1 for keeping up your original blog- I love it!

  13. Happy birthday. Please please look for some way for us to fund you. You are a gateway to happiness in these dark times. Regards, Agterrane.

  14. Happy Birthday and yea it's a milestone... I hit 55 this year and you better believe I'm taking a look around. I hope you get online work, but you might also get creative as your own boss, too. Transitions are work, no matter the feelings surrounding it all. I'm sorry for the Neatorama ending, but don't throw in the towel yet. You've done some amazing things and had an amazing time doing it, loved ones and all of us. We're rooting for you out here. Heck, I'll write you a recommendation. We all would. For the moment I recommend enjoy your birthday as best you can, get some cake, a comedy movie or what have you in the pipeline, and relax as best you can for the night. It'll start up again tomorrow morning, and you'll have another shot at it all. BTW, Where's the paypal button, or the venmo address? Send it along.

  15. I don't have Venmo; that's a smart phone thing. My PayPal address is the same as my regular email, and one reader has already sent money today!

    BTW, I am still at Neatorama as a regular writer, Mental Floss is the one that laid me off this time.

  16. Happy birthday! I have been reading your blogs and articles for so many years I feel as if you are friend. Your news affects me deeply, as I am sure it does many of your other online friends. You have been a dependable source of joy, humor, and humanity. Please keep writing and collecting bits and pieces of this wonderful, crazy world to share with us. I will keep you in my prayers. I will be looking forward to some good news. Take care.

  17. drkev4golf@aol.com9/28/2018 02:11:00 AM

    I've always enjoyed your work.

    Observant, timely, relevant, and for the most part, informative for me and those who read your posts.

    The milestone of reaching 50 was cool for me! The milestone of 60; not so much so.

    I have no concrete advice, but I highly believe in your abilities and your resilience. Please don't interpret this as a platitude; I know how sharp you are. Your ability to sift through multiple sites to provide interesting information; your ability to determine what might capture our interest; your ability to pull us into not only the the happenings in the world, but into the happenings in your world.

    Exceptional talent in my mind. As for me, I don't want to lose my connection with what you do. And I believe there are many, many people who share my feelings.


  18. Hi Miss Cellania:

    I thought the 10 years of marriage only counted if you were trying to benefit from an ex-spouse's record (i.e. you were divorced)? I can't find any such requirement for widows/widowers that were still married at the time of death. Did someone tell you this at the SSI office? It's not in their application forms or details...I'll be happy to email you so we can look into it more, if you would like?

  19. Happy Birthday! I enjoy reading your blog every day and am always amazed at the wonderful and interesting things you are able to find and share. Good luck with your job search.

  20. Happy Birthday from Bavaria & thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping on blogging even in difficult times. I'm sure I'm one of a huge number of people for whom you've become part of their daily lives. Thanks for being there! And good luck!!! <3

  21. Happy birthday to us, today is my 74th. You're one of the few bright spots in my day and I thank you for that.

  22. Happy Belated Birthday, Birthday Buddy! I spent the day with our 90+ year-old relatives and then a quiet meal at home with the hubster. It was a great day to be above ground and celebrate another trip around the sun. Hope you had a nice celebration as well! Fun to know that we Libra Ladies share a day. Thank you for your work. I enjoy your blog daily.

  23. Happy Birthday, Miss C! Pay-pal-ing you a little birthday gift. Hope the job prospects improve, but, in the meantime you keep on doing YOU!

  24. Miss C, belated b-day greetings - I'm in your demographic, too! Keep on keeping on, you are the best!
