Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Most Popular Song of Each Year 1940-2017

Take a stroll down memory lane with a compilation of snippets from the biggest song of each year from 1940 to last year. That's 78 songs! No problem, it's easy to skip around and find the years you want to hear. But how do you define the biggest song of the year? In this case, it's the song that stayed at the top of Billboard's pop music chart the longest. In some cases, it wasn't the biggest-selling song, but if you were around, you no doubt remember it. Some of those #1 hits may surprise you (see 1974). If you want to see the UK version of the same idea, you'll find that video at Laughing Squid.  

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this. 1974 wasn’t a surprise; streaking was a
    national craze back then. A perfect reflection on a fun,
    simpler time. 1997 was in the same vein – minus the fun and
    simplicity. Candle in the Wind was released in 1973 and then
    eloquently repurposed. Both songs have interesting back

    And 1977? The only thing I can say here is that after about, I
    dunno, a week – pretty much everyone in my world wanted to
    shoot Debby Boone. OMG Enough Already!

    Hey Macarena!
