Friday, July 27, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

The 50 Greatest Special Effects Movies of All Time. The AV Club put their top 50 picks in chronological order instead of ranking them, so reading through them is a lesson in film history.

Amazon’s Facial Recognition Matched 28 Members of Congress to Criminal Mugshots. In case you are wondering, those were false positives instead of hidden arrests among your representatives. 

Woody Woodpecker vs. a Polish Animal Control officer.

27 Delicious Recipes to Try On Your Next Camping Trip. These are foods you really want to eat, adapted to primitive cooking methods.

A Person Can Instantly Blossom into a Savant-and No One Knows Why. The lucky few who experience sudden savant syndrome describe it as an epiphany of understanding.

Here's How Bad the Heat has Been Around the World. Records are being broken, and even the Arctic Circle has wildfires.

1,000-Year-Old Handprint From “Europe’s Lost People” Discovered In Scotland. A stone anvil contains a remnant of the Pictish coppersmith who used it.

Marine Biologist Melissa Cristina Márquez was Bitten and Dragged by a Crocodile ... and Lived to Tell Her Story. As terrifying as it was, she knew what to do and what not to do.

9 women to watch from this year’s midterms

What's with all these Robin Hood movies? There are seven of them in the Hollywood pipeline right now!

A blast from the past (2014): A Lifetime of Friendship: Pets and Their People.


  1. It's so hot out...

    chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

    I saw a squirrel fanning his nuts.

    I'm sweating like a politician on election day.

    everyone is wearing sweat pants.

    I renamed my pig bacon.

    I'm having fever dreams that Donald Trump is the President
    of the United States.

    Happy Friday Miss C.

  2. Sudden Savant Syndrome should come as no surprise to anyone with a dimwitted relative who has watched a few hours of Fox "News" and suddenly become an expert on the Constitution.
