Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

Improbable Research Review: Microwaves, Human Fat, and Don Juan.

10 Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes Awkwardly Romantic Enough For Valentine's Day. The series tackled romance often, but it often ended up as comedy.

The Saint We Call Valentine. There were three Valentines, none of whom had anything to do with the holiday as we know it.

A rundown of how the current administration's policies are affecting the LGBT community. And then this came out.    

This Prolific Nerd Is Shaping the Future of Wikipedia. Steven Pruitt has made over two million edits to the site, more than anyone else in its history.

From the Green Book to Facebook, how black people still need to outwit racists in rural America

An Optical Illusion Makes This Robotic Doodler Appear to Draw Faster Than It Moves. It's actually only drawing faster than the camera records.

The Ski Pole That Norway Will Never Forget. The moment Oddvar Bra's ski pole broke during a cross-country relay in 1982 is an enduring touchstone for the nation.

Abraham Lincoln's Secret Visits to Slaves. The president became a fictional metaphor in the folklore of emancipation.

Reddit Terrorizes Another Teen, This Time Over the Bitcoin App She Created. And you wonder why more women don't go into tech careers. (via Boing Boing)



  1. I don't always sever heads, but when I do I save. . .

    . . .Israel

    Happy Valentine's Day Miss C.

  2. Happy Valentines Day, gwdMaine!
