Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

Silver Medal Shocker. The story of the notorious US-USSR gold medal basketball game at the 1972 Olympics.

Maybe Men Will Be Scared for a While. But maybe to fear women is to begin seeing them as people.

When Artificial Intelligence Gets into Birding. After studying a list of 32000 existing bird names, a neural network comes up more more -and they're glorious. (via Metafilter)

If You Find Aliens, Who Do You Call? Various officials reveal how they pass the buck on such calls.

The 20 Most Important Pop Culture Moments of the Last Ten Years. 

Meet the Murderous Viking Princess Who Brought the Faith to Eastern Europe. Game of Thrones could learn a thing or two from Saint Olga.

Star Wars and the Strategic Use of Chasms. No real spaceship or space station will ever have that much elbow room.

The Story of Hyperchess, a 3D Chess Game Inspired by Star Trek. Max Chappell worked for twenty years to get it right.

In the 16th century, Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder painted a village scene filled with people doing nonsensical things. Netherlandish Proverbs illustrates over a hundred old Dutch proverbs. (via Strange Company)

The Slash: The 20-Foot Clearing That Stretches 5,525 Miles Across World's Longest Border. You can see it in satellite images. (via Digg)


  1. The Netherlandish Proverbs link is wrong, sadly. It goes to Hyperchess.

  2. Oh dear, sorry. Thanks for alerting me, I've got it fixed now!
