Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

One Moment in Time. These guys’ pro sports careers were unexceptional …except for that one big moment of glory.

Watch Dorky Young Mark Hamill Trying to Promote Star Wars in 1976. Selling an action-adventure film to a science fiction crowd was not easy.
Retail Jobs Don’t Need to Be Bad. Like health care, Europe has already figured that out.

A Text Conversation Shows the Necessity of Teaching Basic Life Skills in School. When his sink malfunctioned, Dad just laughed at his incompetence and rejoiced that he had a new girlfriend.

When a Magician’s Curse Swung Boxing’s Biggest Bout. Tiger Jack Fox should've won the 1939 light heavyweight championship, but superstition stepped in.

A New Story by the Master of Hardboiled Detective Fiction. A short story Dashiell Hammett wrote for an obscure magazine was only rediscovered in September of 2017.

Gaslighting: The 'perfect' romance that became a nightmare. This is a good primer for recognizing an abusive relationship

The next season of Fear the Walking Dead will be a completely different show

21 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Mall Santas.

The backlash to voluntourism hurts more than it helps. Americans can't save the world in a week, but we can expand our own horizons. 


  1. I was intrigued when I first read this and started researching.
    Couldn't find much on Noerr - seems they've merged with
    Cherry Hill Programs and they haven't worked out all the kinks
    yet. But I did find this article on CNN which lead me to the
    Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School - the "Harvard" of
    Santa Claus Schools.

    I think I just might have found what I want to do in
    retirement. I can HO HO HO with the best of them and
    my belly and hair are already in place. I just need to
    see if I can grow my beard out. No more trimming and
    next October I'll start the dyeing process. We'll see. . .

  2. Go for it! And be sure to keep up updated. I'd love to post your picture here next year!
