Friday, December 01, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

"Strawberry Fields Forever" John Lennon's Beatle Masterpiece.

It Started as a Tax Cut. Now It Could Change American Life.

Explaining the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" in the context of 1944. The conventions of the past help to highlight why sexual interactions are so weird today.

Jefferson Davis in Women’s Clothing. In a case of fake news that goes back 150 years, the many accounts of the capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis tended to focus on what he was wearing at the time.

Can we just say it already? Donald Trump is a racist

How the rent-to-own business went from selling furniture to a predatory lending scheme targeting the poor.

How Hummingbirds Drink. Their extraordinary forked tongues act as tiny pumps. (via Metafilter)

Jedi Confidential: Inside the Dark New Star Wars Movie. The stars of The Last Jedi talk about their characters and the filming experience.

9 Breathtaking German Castles. These are the inspirational settings for many of your favorite fairy tales.

The Rapid Rise and Spectacular Fall of London’s Greatest Bonesetter. "Crazy Sally" was not only good at setting bones, but in making a name for herself.


  1. There's a train connection from Cologne to Frankfurt which follows the Rhine and crosses around 12 castles in 2,5 hours.

    Something I would recommend, even though there's a much quicker connection these days!


  2. Thanks, Lucy! My daughter is living in Europe and is trying to see as many sights as she can. I'll have to recommend this!

  3. Almost ruined my day discovering the backlash against
    Baby, It's Cold Outside. It's pretty high on my
    Christmas favorites list. Oh, well. Why should I be
    surprised? If 'they' get bored, perhaps 'they' could
    go after Santa Baby next.

    Merry Christmas: Baby, It's Cold Outside 'G' Rated

    Happy Friday Miss C.
