Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tweet of the Day

The FCC is about to kill net neutrality and make the internet work like TV cable companies. Want HBO? Another $10. Want to get AMC? Pay for a bundle that includes channels you don't care about -which includes a surcharge for sports. But on an even bigger scale for the internet. Want access a small website you like? Sorry, that one doesn't appear on any of our bundles currently, as they haven't paid the company to be considered. Want Hulu? We don't offer that, watch our company-run streaming service instead. But you'll have a limited monthly bandwidth. And it's not like you have a choice of another ISP in your area- the big telecoms have already taken care of that. Oh, yeah, that small website that couldn't afford to get on any bundles? They'll be out of business soon, and we who run them will be out of a job.

The FCC is determined to do this. They will vote December 14. Call your congressman and ask him/her to stop this, or send a message somehow. And be sure to explain this to everyone you see during the Thanksgiving weekend.

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