Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Grapefruit, Animal Economics, and Big Drunk Guys. Some peculiar sociology research.

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Lois Lane.

The White House's Christmas Decor Looks Straight Out of a Horror Film.

How Apollo 11's Crew Reacted to Lunar Conspiracy Theories. People called the moon landing a hoax as far back as 1969, and there are more skeptics now than ever.

Clearing Up Some Myths About Victorian Post-Mortem Photographs. If they don't look dead, that's because they aren't.

How Charlie Brown Destroyed Aluminum Christmas Trees. The metal trees were all the rage before the Peanuts character bought an ugly pine. (via Digg)

The Martians Claim Canada. Margaret Atwood wrote a short story about a mushroom who explains the concept of "countries" to aliens from outer space. (via Metafilter)

Google Has Figured Out a Way to Detect When Strangers Are Sneaking a Peek at Your Phone. Because privacy threats are not limited to hackers.

This Cat And Dog Love Traveling Together, And Their Pictures Are Absolutely Epic. Henry and Baloo love each other as much as they love the great outdoors.

The Case for Federal Universities. For a tuition-free education, starting a new system would be easier than changing what what we have now.


  1. I dunno. I suppose Charlie Brown had a role in the demise
    of aluminum trees, but I suspect that despite their
    ugliness, at the time they were the most affordable
    option for most of the population. And as A Christmas
    Story shows, they were safer. The availability and
    affordability of the new green trees then sealed their
    fate. Just as color TVs overtook B&Ws.

    I grew up with one and while I could be mesmerized by
    the color wheel I never liked it. Especially since I had
    and aunt who always got a real tree.

  2. My parents always chopped down a real tree, free, from my maternal grandparents' farm. Then we traveled to Florida to see my paternal grandparents, who had an aluminum tree. I thought that was high class.
