Monday, November 27, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Monet: A Brilliant Perspective. How the artist came to paint all those waterlilies.

Trump is still botching the Puerto Rico crisis. Will a quarter-million refugees be able to swing the Florida vote?

The Full 2017 Schedule of Christmas Movies and TV Specials. It's a long list, and constantly being updated.

What If Consciousness Doesn't Drive the Mind? Our thoughts and feelings might be completely separate from our self-awareness.

A Cake That Demands an Oven of Its Own. The delicious German cake called baumkuchen comes in the shape of a cross-cut slice of a tree trunk. (via Digg)

The Last of the Iron Lungs. Three people who may be the very last to depend on the devices are having trouble getting them serviced. (via TYWKIWDBI)

The 10 Most Expensive Movie Flops of All Time. Financial failures are so big these days that neither Ishtar nor Heaven's Gate made the list.

Dog Folklore: Companion Dogs as Seers, Healers, and Fairy Steeds. Our pets are so special, they must be magic! (via Strange Company)

25 Sexual Harassment Horror Stories That Happened To Girls And Women At Work. There's more in the comments, because every woman has these stories.
The Crime that Inspired the 1984 Robert Redford Movie The Natural.