Friday, October 20, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Roy G. Biv. Learn something new about every color of the rainbow.

11 True And Truly Horrific Halloween Horror Stories. Warning: true crime. 

Make Your Own Rathtar-O’-Lantern.

Men, here’s what you can do to fight rape culture.

Dogs Have Pet Facial Expressions to Use on Humans, Study Finds. They learn what we like, and use it to communicate with us.

The Year of the Witch. Hartford, Connecticut, spent 1662 and 1663 in a frenzy to identify witches among the townspeople.

What Does the Hamburger Helper’s Skeleton Look Like? Each possibility is more ridiculous than the last.

The Wages Are Too Damn Low

A Catfishing With a Happy Ending. The man she met online was an impostor, but then she met the guy he had stolen a profile picture from.

The Haunted Hospital. Waverly Hills Sanatorium has been a TB hospital, a nursing home, a failed religious monument, and now a paranormal investigation site.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss C.

    This year I'm going to dress as Negan for Halloween and
    tell all the kids that half their candy is mine.

    Happy Friday!
