Thursday, October 19, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Charles Laughton in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The making of the 1939 film was an extreme experience for its star.

7 Times Misleading Movie Trailers Didn't Align with the Film. The trailer's only purpose is to get you into the theater, where you may be surprised.

Math Suggests Inequality Can Be Fixed With Wealth Redistribution, Not Tax Cuts.

Flowers Have Secret Blue Halos That Bumblebees Can See. The effect is produced mechanically instead of chemically.

Searching for the Identity of San Francisco’s Mysterious Mummified Girl. DNA analysis and a painstaking records search have given her a name and a history.

Jets Fan Who Stands For National Anthem Sits On American Flag.  

Learn to Make Alien Facehugger Pudding Cups for Your Halloween party. They have edible Alien eggs and facehuggers, they fizz, they glow in the dark, and they're delicious!

From Folk to Acid Rock, How Marty Balin Launched the San Francisco Music Scene. More than just the founder of Jefferson Airplane, he encouraged the opening of clubs and auditoriums, promoted festivals, and welcomed bands from all over.

The Wikipedia Markov Masher is a generator that will mix two Wikipedia articles together into a paragraph that almost, but not quite, makes sense in an artificial intelligence way. See some really funny examples here.

The NFL’s leaked memo on acceptable player stances during the national anthem. One commenter said, "When oh when can we return to the simple brutal joy of watching grown men chase a ball around while giving each other lifelong bodily and brain injuries?"


  1. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the
    wolf with the red roses?

  2. I'm glad you obeyed the Wolf Man, gwdMaine!

  3. I bet you say that to all the boys!

  4. Clap for the Wolfman!
