Saturday, September 30, 2017

The State of Computer Face Graphics

The man in this video is not real. He never existed. He is completely computer-generated by Snappers Mocaps. The designer can control him completely with a mouse: his expression, his gaze, and what his lips are saying. The features of this software are listed at the YouTube page, including, "Compatible with all game engines and animation packages." Soon, video games will look this real, and you know humans in movies will follow quickly. If he stood still, or just moved without the cursor in a way that didn't indicate it was a demonstration, it would take you a while to realize who he is. But as soon as that realization sinks in, you enter the uncanny valley. (via Digg)

1 comment:

  1. It's still in the Uncanny Valley, but definitely climbing out of it. Also I just realized this is what I've been feeling, all unexamined, about Jimmy Kimmel. Especially around the eyes. I guess I thought he's just nearsighted, and that must be it, but now...
